Just Dance instructions
Email any song suggestions for Just Dance, karaoke or just to be played by our DJ to floodthedancefloor@gmx.co.uk
Most Just Dance songs are accessible in-game but some aren't there for licensing reasons (so unfortunately no Timber), so if you suggest a song you know is in Just Dance and it isn't played, that's why.
Download the Just Dance Now app from the links for iPhone or Android
Open the app, and if promted, click a "first dance" song (if not prompted, just click the play button in the lower right). This just allows you to join in the game, it doesn't matter which song you click. Either enter the room code on the upper left of the screen, or click the scan QR code option and scan the QR code in the upper-left of the screen (not the one that took you to this page!).
For a song with multiple dancers, tap on the one you want to follow on your phone screen before the song begins. Hold your phone in your right hand and dance along. Pictograms to show you incoming moves are shown on the bottom right. Lyrics are in the bottom left.